Moonlighting>by Sam


Dec 13 2022

Hello World

Welcome to this somewhat barren spot on the web.
I am aware that it's pretty ugly right now. I am learning HTML, so there's a lot of elements that don't qutie make sense yet.

It's for whenever I decide to start uploading information about projects I do.
And for learning HTML. Everybody already kind of understands the basics of how to read it. But maybe now I can write it.
And because it seems like having a personal website is one of the coolest parts of what the Internet should be, what it used to be.
And honestly I'm not really sure, maybe that's all just filler, we'll see. Should I have just put in the usual "lorem ipsum" stuff? Maybe...


The Poem Problem
strike hard strike fast no mercy

No more issues with excellent poetry
with the <pre> element to the rescue
Wow what is encoding, this seems kind of painful for readability... "&lt;pre&gt;" seriously..?
We'll see...
return: alt text is a go


This site was made by Sam

Links I have collected

  • Android Arts
  • quotes

    Site version: 0.3 (last updated Dec 13)